Certification and classification
All campsites on Camping.se are certified by SCR Swedish Camping. Many are also classified according to the Swedish quality system for campsites, SCR Classification. Together, the two systems make it more secure and easier for you to find the best campsite for your needs.
Certification is based on an annual review of the basic requirements that a campsite must meet to become a member of SCR. Certification ensures that a campsite complies with applicable laws and regulations, as well as industry rules on good business ethics and sustainable management.
SCR classification
The classification of Swedish campsites is based on a quality system. The rating, from 1-5 stars, gives you a quick idea of the standard you can expect at the campsite. The system is designed to make it easier to find accommodation that meets your expectations.
up to 5 stars
The stars summarise the ratings given to the campsite in four areas: service buildings, the area, facilities and activities. The highest rating is 5 stars.

Bar ratings complement each star rating with a more detailed description of each area. The classification is based on an assessment of what an individual campsite has to offer its guests. It assesses the campsite’s offering (hard criteria) and how it delivers on this offering (soft criteria). The classification system rates the offering and standard of the campsite with 5 bar ratings, each with 5 levels.
Service buildings
The campsite’s sanitary services cover everything from personal hygiene, such as toilets, showers, child hygiene and family rooms, to daily necessities such as cooking and washing-up facilities, latrine emptying stations for motorhomes and loose tanks and more.
The campsite’s infrastructure, from entrances and pitches to site services such as electricity sockets and Internet coverage, as well as its surroundings, including waste management and external maintenance of the campsite.
The services provided by the campsite, such as the reception, trained staff, shops, restaurants and cafés.
Activities available at the campsite, such as playgrounds, swimming pools, playing fields, mini golf, bicycle and canoe hire, and exercise trails.
Organised events at the campsite such as guided activities for both children and adults, shows, troubadours and dancing.
Wilderness camping. Offers a camping experience on nature’s terms. Wilderness campsites are rated but do not receive stars or bars.
Signposting on site
Signposts clearly indicate if a campsite is certified and/or classified.

Signs for certified campsites
Campsites that are certified have a blue sign clearly showing that the campsite is certified according to Swedish standards.

Signs for classified campsites
Campsites that are certified and classified have a blue and yellow sign clearly showing that the campsite has been audited according to Swedish standards.
Read more about the different quality systems at www.scr.se