Midsommarstång i Sverige

Midsummer is best celebrated on a Swedish campsite

At Midsummer, many people in Sweden gather on campsites. If you would like to experience the Swedish Midsummer traditions, we can recommend going to a campsite with its own Midsummer celebrations. Midsummer’s Eve starts the Midsummer weekend, and this is the day we celebrate. This is always a Friday between 19 and 25 June.

To celebrate Midsummer according to Swedish traditions you should make a wreath of summer flowers to wear on your head, then dance round the maypole singing songs such as ‘Små grodorna’. If you are in luck you can help dress the maypole with flowers and leaves and be there when it is raised. A traditional lunch is then eaten in the form of herring, new potatoes, and sour cream and chives, often washed down with schnapps. The lunch ends with tasty strawberries, often on a summery strawberry cake.

Picknick i gräset vid campingplats i Sverige


Midsummer celebrations on a campsite often include a maypole, folk musicians, lotteries, games, long tables with a shared herring lunch and children’s activities.

When the evening comes, there are often barbecues – it doesn’t matter what is barbecued, that is down to taste. You then decide how to end the day: an evening dip, a turn on the dance floor or just a quiet sit in your favourite camping chair. But don’t forget to go out into a meadow to pick seven different kinds of flowers to place under your pillow. According to legend you will then dream about the person you will marry …

campsites for the midsummer celebrations

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Midsommarfirande på Borås Camping & Vandrarhem

midsommar på Borås Camping & Vandrarhem

Här inleds firandet redan 9.00 med att klä midsommarstången tillsammans. Det blir dans kring stången, lotteri, hoppborg och lejonet Simba från Borås Djurpark kommer på besök. Äventyrskiosken är öppen hela tiden där ni kan hyra kanoter, trampbåtar och spela minigolf. Kvällen avslutas med livemusik med trubadur i Bistron. Mer om Borås Camping & Vandrarhem


Boka midsommarhelgen direkt på

Mitt i händelsernas centrum eller lugn och ro? Bo mysigt på campingtomt eller i stuga under midsommarhelgen. Hos oss hittar du boenden över hela landet, många med egna midsommarfiranden eller i anslutning till ett större firande. Vad är väl mer klassiskt Sverige och sommar än midsommar på en campingplats? 

Boka boende för midsommarhelgen

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